Sunday, January 23, 2011


Why We're Sending Our Marketing Director to CUNA's National Marketing Conference

2011MBDCConference If you’re not learning, you’re not growing. And if you’re a credit union marketer or business development professional the best way to learn and grow is attending CUNA’s Marketing and Business Development Council national conference. The conference is so good this year I made it a part of our new marketing director’s training plan for her to attend the conference.  (Self disclosure time: I normally attend the national conference as well but this year have to pass because it falls on our Spring Break and we are doing college visits with our oldest daughter). So what about this year’s conference makes it a “must attend” for credit union executives, marketers and business development professionals? Here are just a few.

(1)    Timely topics

Innovation, online marketing, word of mouth marketing, social media and mobile marketing. All of these are issues we’re looking to improve at our credit union. So I’m particularly jazzed that our marketing director can learn the latest on these issues. For those of you wearing the business development hat, the conference also offers sessions on business development measurement and business development creativity (not just the same old material you may have already heard).

(2)    Inspiring keynotes

I had the opportunity to meet Bill Capodagli, author of Innovate the Pixar Way, and to hear him speak. His session alone is worth the conference price. I honestly took reams of notes from his presentation that I still use today. Bill is not only entertaining; he is thought provoking and uses excellent examples. Of course, the other keynoters (Libby Gill, Bernard LaChance and Denise Gabel) are also distinguished and will add tremendous value.

(3)    Diverse subjects

You name it, they have it! Pretty much any subject relating to marketing and business development is covered. Whether it’s big picture strategy or nit-picky ROI/ALM issues, the conference has a session for you. One thing I look for in a conference is diversity—I don’t want 10 sessions on the same subject. CUNA’s Marketing & Business Development Council Conference offers such a broad range of areas that you’ll have a tough time choosing which breakout to attend. Plus the pre-conference workshops allow you the opportunity to do a deep-dive into strategy and research.

(4)    National networking

It takes two hands now to count the number of times I’ve attended CUNA’s Marketing & Business Development Council Conference (and no, I wasn’t at the original one 18 years ago!). However, I still have friends and colleagues from all over the country that I stay in contact with that I first met at this event. We share a common love and passion for credit unions, marketing and business development. When I need to pick their brains, they are an invaluable resource. While social media tools are cool, there is something about that face-to-face time that deepens a relationship and connection. The conference is a great time to not just to “network” but to really connect with others.

So if you’re looking for a stimulating, forward thinking conference to attend then register today for CUNA’s Marketing and Business Development Council national conference.

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