What's Next?
By Sandy Prock M.Ed., JCTC, Co-Owner of www.ExpertResume.com
“Oprah Winfrey failed as a news reporter.” - From “Innovate the Pixar Way” by Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson, page 77
Consider this, if Oprah can fail at something, lose a job and end up with an even better job - Why not you? However, if you recently lost your position you may not feel so great. If that is the case, don't worry, it’s normal if you feel down or depressed. Why? There are many reasons, and many of those are personal to you. However, there are common reasons for all of us. When we lose something, anything, it is a normal human feeling to feel depressed. This is part of our grief process. The process of healing and getting beyond your feelings of depression is to accept how you feel - and the sooner the better. There is a process of recovery. Knowledge empowers you.
A friend of mine recently told me her story of how she lost her job and found an even better position. She said losing her job felt as if she lost a huge chunk of her family. She felt adrift, lost and her heart ached with deep pain. She felt alone in her pain and confused, very confused. Her supportive husband listened. However, one day she decided she just needed to sit with herself, in the quiet and just be with her pain and loss. She described her experience as if she were on a train. She rode the train of her feelings passing through a dark and painful tunnel. She emerged feeling literally relieved and free – with her “mojo” reignited. She admitted that she continued to have ups and downs; however, now she felt in charge. She learned a life lesson. Paying attention to her feelings untangled her confusion. Every dip in her feelings allowed her another opportunity to practice what she learned. She emerged feeling stronger, clearer and more capable than ever.
My friend then dove into her job search – full time. She spent eight + hours a day, learning everything she could about herself and the job search process. She devoted quality time and re-imagined her life. My friend decided to take this time to see if there was anything, she might want to change in herself or her new job. She re-evaluated the kind of job and environment that she wanted. She took tests, daydreamed and listened to her deeper Self. Her great job loss became a bridge to greater self-knowledge that led to a new idea; why not land a job even better than her last one. Why not land a job more suited to her personality, something that would not just bring home a paycheck, but give her life greater meaning and more fulfillment. She decided to view this job loss as an opportunity - No small accomplishment!
My friend hired herself full-time, got up every day, dressed, and went to work – for herself. She did her homework, researched companies, and prepared herself for every interview. She adopted the attitude of student and became a wise and confident job seeker. She was now the CEO of her life. Her confidence spoke volumes. She even volunteered at her favorite charity a few hours a week, while finding time for fun, family, and friends. She eventually accomplished her dream and landed a job she likes even better than the one she lost. If she can do this, so can you!
Marion Woodman, a noted Jungian Analyst and author said, “It takes great courage to break with one’s past history and stand alone.” Remember how you faced past obstacles. In addition, learn new ways and you are on your way. Consider accepting where you are now, pain and all, learn, grow and consider landing your most fulfilling job yet. Consider what will make you happy. Consider what will fulfill your soul. Consider what will make you feel more whole, more yourself. Climb more fully into “your skin” and be more of you. Be courageous, let go of the past and stand up and be counted.
Think about Oprah Winfrey failing as a news reporter. Think about my friend. Maybe this will help you put your job loss into perspective. I am sure you have heard many stories like these, including how Einstein’s teachers told him he was not too bright and would never amount to anything. Lincoln failed many times. PIXAR, the famed animated movie company, who continually produces one mega hit after another, has learned to embrace failure, learn from it and move forward. Why not you!
The wave of the future for all job seekers is to be more like free agents/entrepreneurs. When you adopt this perspective and learn everything you can about your job search and go after your new job with everything you have, you will have gained a lifelong skill that will benefit you for the rest of your working career. Consider joining the ranks of the great and be on your way to your better future. Be the CEO of your life and your career development.
Make sure your resume, cover letter and other job search documents represent you well. They must be well written and formatted to catch the attention of your future employer. Get noticed. Land your new job.
If you have any questions about your resume, cover letter, or other job search documents, please feel free to call Bob. We welcome your questions. Bob and I wish you the best in your career development.
Sandy Prock M.Ed. (Master’s Degree in Education –Vocational Guidance and Counseling), JCTC (Job and Career Transition Coach), Co-Owner of www.ExpertResume.com
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